Friday, July 6, 2007


Click on the image for more.

The other day I went to the shelter to take a few images of a woman who is completing her recovery program. As I was packing my equipment, children started coming back from the school, and I used that opportunity to give them the photos of them that I had taken on a previous visit. All of a sudden I hear this voice telling me "and where are my photos?"....... That was Nicole, better known as Pinky, Robert, Kenny and Wayne's older sister. Then she asked me to take a picture of her. She took me a block away near some fountain that she liked. The light was bad and I didn't have a small flash, so I asked her to let me take a few photos my way, then next time we would organize it her way.

Mamiya 645 AFD II
Mamiya 80mm 2.8
Kodak E100G

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Djordje & Irena,
Your blog page is beeeeeeautiful! Djordje, I am truly awed by your incredible photos. What an amazing opportunity you have to work with the Gospel Mission Shelter and its families. You are doing something very special; thank you for using your talents so thoughtfully and sharing the results with us. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
love y'all,